Join us in pioneering the system of record for company time


Our Product + Tech


Ingest data from across the workplace stack

We structure siloed data, and apply AI to provide insights and create beautiful data visualizations, transforming the way organizations understand how they use their time.

New methods of context mining

Using data science and LLMs we build contextual databases that represent all aspects of a company, creating information used for retrieval augmented generation.

Visualizing an invisible resource

Our data empowers companies to calculate real effort for impact, unveiling true ROI and an ability to prioritize time in all new ways.

An invaluable dashboard and reporting tool

Our emerging vision is to build a front-end experience that leaders use to decode, and allocate the organization’s most valuable asset, their time.

Our Culture

Informed by decades of experience — we’re building an organization of thoughtful failure, and fantastic success.

We believe that compressing the speed of iteration creates compounding value, so we focus on shipping as a means of learning. We are high agency problem-solvers who take ownership, not just of the tasks that we are responsible for, but of everything that impacts the company’s mission and goals.

Our culture is a meritocracy of ideas that rewards inquiry and experimentation in the search for truth.

Our Values

Be a lean experimenter

We believe that compressing the speed of iteration creates compounding differentiated value. We recognize that the vast majority of decisions are reversible, as a result, we focus on shipping as a means of learning.

Take extreme ownership

Not just of the tasks that we are responsible for, but of everything that impacts the company’s mission. Every project has a single owner and final decision maker. We acknowledge mistakes, cast no blame, and make no excuses.

Be a farmer not a rockstar

Farmers get their hands dirty, and plant seeds. They operate at all levels and stay connected to the details. They’re obsessed with data, seeking metrics to define success. We seek farmers who believe no task is beneath them.

Seek the truth

We’re obligated to respectfully challenge decisions when we disagree, even when it’s uncomfortable. We seek scrutiny of our ideas, encourage productive debate, and defend changing one’s mind in light of new data.

Open Positions

Machine Learning Engineer


Data Science Engineer


AI Engineer